

Tips to break into a good legal career

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] So, you’ve dreamed of having a successful legal career, but turning your dreams into reality isn’t always easy! Even after finishing school, finding a good stepping stone job can be a challenge. If you’re trying to get your foot in the door don’t forget these ideas to help you find your way into…


How to be top legal secretary?

If you are considering a career as a legal secretary then you’ll be pleased to hear that there will always be plenty of work available! Legal secretaries have made themselves completely indispensable and lawyers know they couldn’t do half as good a job without them onboard. It’s the perfect solution for people that have got…


4 career opportunities with minimal education

Getting a traditional four-year degree no longer necessarily leads to a profitable career. With numbers of college grads at an all-time high and the economy at a serious low, it really is a tough job market out there. Instead of going to a traditional university, many are opting for alternative schooling that leads directly to…


Are your mediator material?

Are you great at problem solving? Do you have a solid knowledge of the law? Can you withstand high levels of stress while maintaining an unwavering commitment to integrity and fairness?