Learning definitely doesn’t end when you finish school or your college education, because you need to keep learning throughout your life in order to have a successful career. However, in order to learn effectively and ensure your efforts pay off, you need to be able to do it without someone monitoring and assessing you constantly.…
How to achieve your business goals with the help of an eLearning platform?
41.7% of global Fortune 500 Companies at present are using e-learning in some form to train their employees. Moreover, 77% of US companies are offering online corporate training, in one or the other form, to their employees. It is a notable fact that a majority of the business organizations has universally adopted online education…
10 Awesome educational tech tools everybody should know
Technologies develop quickly. These days they are used almost everywhere, starting from stores and ending with classrooms. Despite the fact that educational process changes very slowly, it still changes: teachers start using tech tools to transform traditional learning into something more modern and interesting. However, when there are so many options, it can be…
2013: the Year when the Colleges should start taking online education seriously
“Big breakthroughs happen when what is suddenly possible – meets what is desperately necessary.” — Thomas Friedman The American education being the engine behind unparalleled economic prosperity, a military without equal, limitless invention, and the unquenchable ambition that put a man on the Moon, has reinforced the barriers that divide and weaken us. The future of schooling in America could…
Modern technology in education
According to the latest insights as to how exactly modern students of today prefer to use technology and how does their learning get an impact if they use technology, it was revealed that the use of modern equipment technology and tools, the learning and interactivity of students increases. They also find it much more interactive,…
The best degrees to earn online
You probably already heard that gaining an online degree is an excellent idea if you want to pursue a higher education but don’t have a lot of spare time to do so. It’s true that an online degree program is convenient and flexible, especially for those non-traditional students who have other commitments and simply can’t…
Building business with LMS
E-learning field advances with giant strides: according to Global Industry Analysts (GIA), e-learning market is expected to reach $168.8 billion by 2018. More and more companies are contributing to online learning field by implementing e-learning strategies, integrating components and tools for employee training and e-commerce practice. E-learning, in comparison with regular education methods, allows cutting…
How to create e-learning project?
If you wonder who can create the e-learning course for your needs and have a unique insight of your needs, you might want to check How to create an e-learning project?
Free open educational source – edX Platform
Stanford University and edX, the non-profit online learning enterprise founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), announced their collaboration to advance the development of edX’s open source learning platform and provide free and open online learning tools for institutions around the world.