Online learning has become a popular choice for students. More people are “going to class” online, and the trend is growing. In fact, more schools are giving their students the opportunity to learn remotely from home. But, what has brought on that change? As you will see, students are using the online option for…
5 Alternative teaching approaches
There are so many schools today, and all of them use the same approaches when it comes to some important aspects of teaching. Some schools opt for alternative approaches which bring fantastic results. Here are 5 interesting teaching approaches private schools might want to switch to. Harkness Harkness is a teaching method which is not…
Resources to help your journey as a lifelong learner
Continuing education, formerly associated primarily with doctors, lawyers, and other professionals, provides opportunities to not only pursue new interests and social networking, but to adapt to the rapidly changing world and job market we live in.
3 Ways to save money and time with online learning system
An online learning system is usually a portal on the Internet that will allow you to undertake a course on a specific subject matter, without having to travel to a campus or classroom. In today’s society online learning such as this has become increasingly popular with students who also have a 9-5 day job or…
Skills from CNA certification course
We all know very well the importance of the role of certified nursing assistants in healthcare facilities. In the current medical scenario, where the healthcare standards are rising, the need for CNAs have substantially grown up. However, many people misinterpret this profession, thinking that CNAs do not possess specific skill sets, related to medical field. Becoming a…
Harvard University
Harvard University’s You Tube Channel contains videos about life and learning both on campus and around the world. Devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, it develops leaders in disciplines by making a difference globally. The University has 12 degree-granting schools in addition to the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Located in Cambridge and…