Quick learners are at the base of any growing organization since they are considered the heart and soul of that organization. It is their willingness to go an extra mile that makes them stand out. Quick learners are smart and witty in their dealings with colleagues and supervisors and know where to draw the line…
Considerations when choosing a law school
So, you made the decision that becoming a lawyer is the perfect for you! You know you have the self-discipline, intellectual curiosity and passion for what law school and the career entails, and now you are asking yourself one question: how do I choose the right school for me?
TED on e-learning
TED is a non-profit devoted to -Ideas Worth Spreading-. Started in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: technology, entertainment, and design has notes an extraordinary popularity and attracted millions of audiences. It is owned by The Sapling Foundation, a private nonprofit foundation, established in 1996 by Chris Anderson, who was at…
What exactly is a college consultant?
These times of our hectic everyday lives have generated the need for them, over 4,000 organizations of higher education use them, and almost 16 million students have put them in high demand. No, it’s not a rock group on a college tour, it’s the services of a college consultant. Getting kids ready for college in…
Top 6 amazing websites to polish up your math skills online
Sometimes, students need more than just classroom teaching to completely understand different concepts and formulas of math. Just like social life has evolved with the advancement in technology, methods of teaching and learning have also evolved. If you think that your children or students need to pay more attention to math, you can simply get…
5 Careers that an outgoing person excels
It’s an extrovert’s world. People with personable, outgoing personalities can make the most of almost any career. For the ultimate success, focus on jobs that require networking, people skills and group work. Solo, desk jobs are not for you! Check out these five careers that can help any social butterfly spread his or her wings.
Academy One learning incentives program
My son’s in his first year of high school right now and it’s actually been a really tough year for him, and for all of us. In elementary school he was such a happy student. But in Grade 7 something happened. I don’t know if there were some lessons that he didn’t understand or if…
Online degree or traditional college courses?
It sounds heavenly: taking classes when you feel like it, submitting all your homework online, and staying home instead of braving the rush hour. But how do online degree programs and in-class programs stack up? Let’s take a look:
New York University
New York University, founded in 1831 and is one of the largest private universities in the United States. Being one of only 60 members of the Association of American Universities. The University, is composed of 14 schools, colleges, and divisions, and it occupies five major centers in Manhattan. It operates branch campus and research programs, in…
Why making extensive background check on your potential colleague?
Background verification is doing full analysis of a person who has applied for a job. This background check includes gathering of details and deep investigation. Companies often give the responsibility of investigation to some agency. In this post we will be discussing about different types background verification and their importance.