

Tips for writing college papers like a pro

Some students are satisfied with C’s for their essays, but others don’t just want to get a better grade – they want to get a skill in essay writing. If you are one of the goal-oriented students who want to be professional in writing essays, follow our smart tips! 1. Think like a professional The…


10 hints on how to become a professional writer by using online based software

  Having access to a lot of great online tools is a benefit most writers cannot live without. If you are a novice and would like to become a professional writer, you can. There are some essential steps you will have to follow. You can find a rephrase and a plagiarism checker all in one…


Get your student excited about school

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Learning can and should be one of the great adventures and joys of childhood, however school sometimes becomes a monotonous chore or even a battle for some. There are many ways parents can help keep their children engaged and excited about different subjects, specifically science. With so many branches of study, new discoveries…


9 Must-remember tips for writing a scientific paper!

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] A scientific paper is based on empirical methods and aims to provide the general conclusions of the experiment. Regardless of the nature of your experiment, there are some common elements that must be included in a scientific paper. Here they are: Start by creating an apt title for your project. The title should…


Education systems in international context

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Facts you need to know about education verification. There is no doubt that the goal of improving education plays important role among policymakers and other stakeholders in societies worldwide. They might not be able to quantify it, but the governments in most countries empower the link between the knowledge and skills with which…


Why become hypnotized?

  Hypnosis, as a therapeutic tool is as old as man himself, i.e. it can be traced back through various periods of time and we can find records of hypnosis being used to heal and to make the change. Hypnosis is used under many different names down the centuries and its use for healing can…


Digital age suffers from bullying

Believe it or not – 25% pupils experience Digital age suffers from bullying! On 1 November 2012, Gerald White, from the Memorial University of Canada has been introduced among school children, on using Internet. The presentation: “School, family, and community factors related to cyber victimization: Findings from research in Newfoundland and Labrador schools, sponsored by…


Get online writing help for your PhD thesis!

Out of your PhD program, a dissertation is the most significant component and all your attention, plus efforts should be taken up in it. Having said this, it is worth mentioning that the most vital components that constitute a dissertation are not simply the research and writing, but also research buttressed by findings, advanced fresh…


Gates Foundation in education

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has focused on teacher quality as a key dimension of its recent grantmaking strategy. The Foundation supports education and heath projects worldwide. Here is a more detailed presentation of the number of grants they have funded: Teacher-related spending: 67 Grants : total: $78,938,413 1. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: aid for improved…


Tools for distributed e-learning

E-learning is becoming more and more present in an increasing number of social media. The tools that the people are currently using for distributed e-learning vary and get better with every new technology improvement. In the infographic below you will see which social media uses which tool, to introduce the e-learning. Feel free to plunge…