Salman Khan


Khan: Education in 2060

  [responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, a not-for-profit online education provider, shares his thoughts on what the educational landscape will look like in 50 years. By 2060, he predicts three major shifts in education: a change to the classroom model, a change to the credential model and a change in the role of…


YouTube EDU

YouTube is not the only fun and something-about-anything social media. It is a place where at its YouTube EDU learners and educators spend time together in one large global video classroom. On YouTube EDU, you can access broad set of educational videos that range from academic lectures to inspirational speeches, including everything related to learning…


Future education

We already know that the students are the future of the world, but what is the future for the students? In order to be able to equip them with the relevant, timeless skills for the rapidly changing world, revolution is needed in the concept of learning. Education innovators like Dr. Sugata Mitra, visiting professor at…