

Best remote access software

  Remote access software allow you to access your pc or laptop from remote distance, transfer data, install / uninstall software, troubleshooting and more. Such software are very useful in large corporations and at home as well for instance: In large organizations there are a huge number of personnel, in case of any problem occurring…


More news in learning are expected to occur

An interview with Prof. Petar Atanasov, PhD Coordinator at the Postgraduate studies-New Media and social networks, member of the Centers for inter-ethnic relations, culture, media and communications, ISPPI, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia, Professor of Sociology and Communication 1. What is your opinion on the development of the online education globally? It is a fantastic process. Not quite…


5 Cloud tools that improve communication and collaboration

We live in the age of fast and efficient communication. As businesses expand their global reach it can be difficult to get the entire team together for a productive and creative collaboration session. However, no matter if your team members are working remotely or in cubicles around you, there are loads of cloud-based tools that…


Ten tips for university e-learning

Online higher education means a lot of things. It’s flexible, convenient, students can study on their own time, schedules, without compromising their work and professional lives. In addition to these it is effective, accommodates virtually any learning style (Skype, video, podcasts and other multi-media materials to supplement more traditional, text-based learning.) e-learning is also more…


Social networking is crucial for rapid learning

In the last ten years, social networking has completely changed the way students interact for learning. Social media has enabled the students to interact with their class fellows and teachers anytime. A recent study informed that more than 90 percent of students are satisfied with social networking websites for learning process.


How to keep students interested?

There was a time when engagement was the sole responsibility of the student. The teacher would dutifully drone through the lesson, randomly demanding answers and participation with the flick of a wrist, and any children who weren’t paying attention would feel the business end of a ruler or get to experience the shame of a…