Social Sciences


Messy desk: evidence of the indomitable creativity of your soul

The workplace for many people is a second home. For those that have the option of having a desk, work space, or cubical it’s a little place that transcends a bit of yourself. A grumpy cat poster slewing some remark about “Mondays” or a family picture on the desk corner to remind you of the…


Is the handwriting important?

Most probably you did not know that your handwriting can indicate more than 5,000 personality traits? Here it is what it counts: the size of your letters, space between the words, shapes of letters and more other characteristics can all signify different characteristics. Handwriting analysis (also known as graphology) can be used for detecting lies…


Why should you learn a foreign language?

If you did not know by now, there’s a lot to be gained from learning another language. Some of the things that can be mentioned as a benefits are career potential, new cultural values, brain exercise and few more… read on! by Sergio Fernandez.


UK vs US spelling: The same, but still different

English being the language of our age has its UK and US spelling differences. You might not have noticed them, thinking that there must be a typo, but what you should be aware is that there are different spellings of a number of words, as well as difference in pronunciation and actual use and meaning…


1 word = 179 meanings

The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 words in current use and 47,156 obsolete words. 9,500 derivative words included are considered subentries. More than half of these words are nouns, about a quarter adjectives, and about a seventh verbs – the rest is made up of exclamations, conjunctions, prepositions, suffixes, etc.…


11 words that you can not translate into English

There is no doubt that the relationship between the words and their meaning is a fascinating one. Linguists spend countless years deconstructing it, taking it apart letter by letter, all in order to figure out why there are so many feelings and ideas that we cannot even put words to, describe the meaning from one…


Why learning Spanish is essential for a good career?

For everyone who does not know, learning Spanish certainly has its perks and advantages. People are recommended to know the language as it is quite easy to learn it, if they spend a good amount of time and study with determination. It is quite an old language and is spoken in many parts of the…


5 top tips for learning any language faster

Learning a new language is a fantastic goal and the sense of achievement it brings every time you further your knowledge is immense, particularly when you get to the point of being able to use your language skills to communicate in the real world. It’s not an easy thing to do though – often, becoming…


Can you use mind control to create an addiction?

  We have all heard it before – the most powerful human organ –the mind- is the least known to the scientist. Teams and teams have been working on its exploration, but it still remains a big mystery, some say that humanity barely knows 10 % of the actual mind structure functioning. Having said this,…