Did you know that only 22% of men and 38% of women learn best by reading? The rest learn best through images, auditory, and hands-on experiences. So why do so many people choose to read a book when they want to learn a new subject? Self-education is great, but you need to make sure you’re…
6 Key points for finding high-quality academic software
The field of education has a reputation for never having a ceiling when it comes to the amount of information one can receive. With technology continuing to advance, the number of digital instruments has greatly increased the amount of platforms on which both teachers and students can exchange information. As these devices begin to influence…
Everything you need to know about online college accreditation
Online colleges are everywhere, and they’re becoming a more legitimate way to get educated every day. However, there are still plenty of online “schools” that are nothing more than scams to get students to hand over their money. The difference between a legitimate school and a scam school is whether or not that school has…
5 ways to make studying more fun
Studying isn’t always a fun or exciting activity. Many people will agree that spending hours staring at computers and books can sometimes be boring and difficult. Sitting down to study for hours is not exactly your idea of fun. But the good news is, there are many ways to make studying less monotonous and more…
Effective ways to motivate adult students
Adult learners can be motivated if appropriate strategies are applied. Unlike young students who respond well to immediate reinforcement like candy, loud praise, stickers, or high fives, adult learners have different types of things that can help them stay focused on their task. There are different strategies that teachers can use to motivate their adult…
What is wrong with online learning?
When it’s time for students to head off to college, it may be as simple as heading to the next room and sitting down at the computer. With the explosion of online learning opportunities on the Internet, many students are opting for this form of distance learning. It appeals to adults who are looking for a…
Colleges’ crisis today
What is the problem with colleges today? While the United States is chock full of plenty of excellent colleges and prestigious universities, many of these are highly selective, making them more and more difficult to get into. Then, there are those colleges that are struggling to be filled with students. Exploring this crisis in better…
Solving the root cause of school dropout
The world is still full of young people who are out of school. If and when they continue to do so, they will add to the uneducated and the unemployed. There are many reasons why they are not going to educational institutions. Among these, the huge factors which are intertwined among one another are poverty,…
How to keep students interested?
There was a time when engagement was the sole responsibility of the student. The teacher would dutifully drone through the lesson, randomly demanding answers and participation with the flick of a wrist, and any children who weren’t paying attention would feel the business end of a ruler or get to experience the shame of a…
Benefits of video games in education
For years, the use of video games has been a hot topic in education. Whether video games improve or impede critical thinking skills of students has been the source of much contention amongst educators throughout the United States. The statistics seem to indicate that video games are actually highly useful in education, and they may…