Tuition payments


3 Tips to make your college degree pay off

Getting a college degree typically means obtaining a career that pays well and has many additional perks. However, in the current economy there is no guarantee that a job is waiting for you after college. To make matters worse, the average college tuition is rising much more rapidly than that of inflation. Overall, getting a…


Colleges’ crisis today

What is the problem with colleges today? While the United States is chock full of plenty of excellent colleges and prestigious universities, many of these are highly selective, making them more and more difficult to get into. Then, there are those colleges that are struggling to be filled with students. Exploring this crisis in better…


Private schooling or private tuition?

It is no secret to any parent that the tens of thousands of pupils enrolled in the British public school system run the risk of having a challenging time during their education. In fact, if you were to analyze the official data released by the UK authorities, you can see that some statistics support as…


How does going to college put more money in your pocket?

A curious thing has been taking place on the blogs and in magazines in the past year or so. There has been an ongoing debate about whether college is “worth it” anymore, due to major economic concerns including high unemployment, stagnant wages, and student loan debt. While these are all very real problems that current…


Why e-learning is your best option?

Thankfully more and more people are able to pursue a path in higher education in modern times, allowing them to develop their skills and knowledge and follow a career path that is best suited to them.  Undergoing a course at a conventional education institute has many benefits of its own, but it can often be…