[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] With the developments in the education and the increasing number of online possibilities to gain knowledge many of us are asking the question, what will be education of future look like? According to a recent cover story in The American Interest, it will not look like the current one, because the colleges will cease to…
Which degree to get?
It is a well known fact that we spend several years of study to practice the chosen career.The question : Which degree to get? is something that bothers many students and can sometimes be a problem choosing what to study, if you have many interests, or if you are not really interested in any particular field…
Everything you need to know about online college accreditation
Online colleges are everywhere, and they’re becoming a more legitimate way to get educated every day. However, there are still plenty of online “schools” that are nothing more than scams to get students to hand over their money. The difference between a legitimate school and a scam school is whether or not that school has…