[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] – Tips for teachers – You are probably aware that learning a language can be achieved easily id you are determined to learn it. With the available resources in the libraries, schools, and online courses it is only an excuse to postpone the learning of a foreign language that can improve your skills,…
Can e-learning make the academic cheating a history?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The first thought that comes to one’s mind when someone mentions academic dishonesty is cheating and plagiarism, the theft of ideas and other forms of intellectual property, which occur within an educational setting. In high or secondary school, a standard penalty for academic dishonesty is a failing grade, where as in college it…
9 Must-remember tips for writing a scientific paper!
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] A scientific paper is based on empirical methods and aims to provide the general conclusions of the experiment. Regardless of the nature of your experiment, there are some common elements that must be included in a scientific paper. Here they are: Start by creating an apt title for your project. The title should…
Top 10 m-apps for English grammar and punctuation
The selection of the best smart phone apps for improving your grammar and punctuation skills Today’s smart phones offer variety of apps that are more than just silly games or time-wasters. With many of them you can access smart phone apps that will help make you smarter, increase your knowledge and get amazed at the…
What defines amazing books?
There are many authors in the world who write on a wide range of topics that suit their audience. However, not all the books that are released in the market are good for the readers. There are those that fail to meet the expectations of the readers hence it is important to understand the things…
Best times to write creatively
Every writer can have a writer’s block! Nothing new in this, of course. The infographic gives you a good overview on the pros and cons of writing in the morning and in the afternoon, giving you an overview of both options good and not so good sides. Have a look and let us know if…
4 Speedy ways to become proficient in writing
Regularly students need to submit quality assignments to fulfil their different class activities. Unfortunately, there are many students that fail to prepare quality work. This is because they’re unaware of the formatting style that is required to prepare a teacher demanded work.
How to be an effective writer?
Writing is a talent that can be refined with time and practice. However, learning the art of writing is never so easy. It is a challenging task that tests your thinking abilities and knack for expressions. You have to master it with your uncompromising commitment and dedication. Luckily, technology has blessed us with some real…
Should professional writers be paid for writing online reviews?
Professional writers are always taking on different projects. Sometimes the projects may be long and detailed, and sometimes they may be easy and short. As a writer, you need to think long and hard about the content you write and if it’s something you want to be associated with. For example, many writers are offered…
How has the university changed?
As an employer I have constantly had cause to marvel at the poor presentation and writing skills of many of the young people applying for work. Application forms have been littered with errors and CV’s badly written. Perhaps surprisingly some of these applicants have been graduates and when I look back to my own days…